Ka Band

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Ka Band Dual Port Linear Motorized Feed
  • Ka Band Linear Prime Focus Feed
  • Frequency: 17.0 - 22.0 GHz
  • Motorized Prime Focus Linear Feed..
Ka Band Dual Port Circular Feed
  • Ka band Circular Prime Focus Feed
  • Frequency: 17.0 - 22.0 GHz..
4 Port Ka/Ku Band PF Feed Assembly
  • Ka Band Circular Polarization
  • Ku Band Linear Polarization
  • Prime Focus..
Ka Band Dual Port Offset Circular Feed
  • Ka band Circular Offset Feed
  • Frequency: 17.0 - 22.0 GHz
  • F/D Ratio: 0.6 to 0.8 ..
Ka Band Dual Port Offset Linear Feed
  • Ka band Linear Offset Feed
  • Frequency: 17.0 - 22 GHz
  • F/D Ratio: 0.6 to 0.8 ..
4 Port Ka/Ku Band Offset Feed Assembly
  • Ka Band Circular Polarization
  • Ku Band Linear Polarization
  • Offset Receive Only Feed..