V2 Microwave BUCs

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V2 Microwave 125 Watt Ku Band Vali Series BUCs
  • Ku Band GaN Block Up Converter
  • Compact Size and Lightweight
  • Multiple Frequency Options Available..
V2 Microwave 125 Watt Ku Band Ares Series BUCs
  • Ku Band GaAs Block Up Converter
  • Compact Size and Lightweight
  • Multiple Frequency Options Available..
V2 Microwave 200 Watt Ku Band Ares Series BUCs
  • Ku Band GaAs Block Up Converter
  • Compact Size and Lightweight
  • Multiple Frequency Options Available..
V2 Microwave 250 Watt Ku Band Vali Series BUCs
  • Ku Band GaN Block Up Converter
  • Compact Size and Lightweight
  • Multiple Frequency Options Available..
V2 Microwave 400 Watt Ku Band Vali Series BUCs
  • Ku Band GaN Block Up Converter
  • Compact Size and Lightweight
  • Multiple Frequency Options Available..